Friday, May 16, 2003

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Everyone's favorite contender on The Bachelorette-- Bob --is going to be the next bachelor. I am so applying. (haha... can you imagine?) Come on, we're perfectly compatible. He's from Michigan. I've done time in Michigan. He sings. I listen. He's funny. I laugh. Perfect, right?

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. "This guy puts together the drums in each city. He's a nice guy and takes pride in his work." I guess you might have to know Mark to know how hilarious that is. Just the other day he was telling me how this dude from "The Real World" is out taking pictures and updating the website... but how nobody knows his name so they just call him "Real World". Well, apparently "Real World" doesn't know Mark's name either.

institutions of higher learning are often populated by newly liberated teens with too much time on their hands and/or too much alcohol in their systems. With that in mind, I bring you... The Olin Olympics -- featuring events such as Volley PopCase, Wookieball and the crowd favourite, Volleypong. Somehow I think I remember olympic events in my freshman dorm as well... but ours were based more on luck than any sort of skill... except for the MarioKart event, of course.

*sigh* My own mother, bless her heart, just sent me an email forward saying that her computer was infected with the file that has a teddy bear icon. Most people have learned to not send me those emails by now, but only because I usually reply simply with a link to an explanation of whatever hoax we are spreading on that particular day. These are the main sites I use as ammo: -- if they don't have it no one does -- they have some ads, but I like their motto -- "Stop junk e-mail and misinformation"

Untitled #1 -- A Sigur Ros video. A little disturbing, I'll give them that.

Song for the Day:
Sarabande in D Minor
- Georg Friderich Handel


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