Friday, May 09, 2003

Here is my website DNA:

(I don't get it either.)

Soothsayer Says Beware
What is this? The fifth straight day with a severe weather warning?

Tornado watch - smornado watch... I just walked to get some lunch. On my way back, I cut across the church parking lot. I approached an elderly gentleman in overalls who was out having a smoke. We smiled from a distance.

"Them clouds are building up again," he said and lifted his cigarette towards the west. I mentioned that we are in a tornado watch until 4:00. "I reckon we are," he replied and went on to say more about how we've had more than our fair share of storms this spring. He said some other things too, but I'm not entirely fluent in Southern yet, so I missed a bit here and there.

I just love old people.

And speaking of old, Manda pointed out yesterday that our old youth groupies are graduating from college this year. (Of course, Nate is also graduating this year... haha. Better late than never?) That does make me feel old. But really, we were the young, hip, cool youth group leaders, weren't we? How many other kids got to have the semiannual Rockin' Lock-inTM?


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