Saturday, May 10, 2003

Congratulations, Erin!!
The first time I was told about Erin, Jack said, "She probably won't like you. But that's okay. She doesn't like Manda either. She doesn't like anybody." Oh, but she loved us. Deep down, she loved us. She was even the only youth groupie at the inaugural Cheese Fest. Tonight she gets her nursing pin. Go girl! Cool site showing off 60's and early 70's Barbie fashion.

Pretty picture time:
David Houlder... I suppose it's easy to take beautiful photos when you've got all that to work with.
Rob Gray... plain site, but his monoscapes are gorgeous.

Last night Michael went around to see if anybody was playing A Mighty Wind early. The girl at the theatre said, "We only do that for important movies." Well, excuuuuuuse me! She apparently doesn't understand the social significance of this film. It could inspire a real surge in folk music. (It could.) I've heard it isn't quite on Guffman's level... but still. I may try to catch a matinee on Monday -- if I get my work done on the weekend.

Under Attack
All morning I've been battling with this stupid little mosquito. He's a stealthy little bugger. Blood may be shed, but somebody is going down!

Cool Links:
FingerFarm... the May 6th entry about the Bongo is especially amusing
Cereal Curt... another Tennessean. Nice work.

Friday Five
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? Organization is in the eye of the beholder... I always say. I use a form of abstract organization which drives my boss nuts. It's the old "looks like a disaster but I know exactly where everything is as long as you don't move anything" method.
2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? I use Outlook for really important things. I have two calendars in my room to remember birthdays and major holidays.
3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? See question one. Well, today is worse than normal, but by the end of the day I'll be able to see the surface again.
4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? I used to. For a while I color coordinated everything. Now I realize how anal that was, and I can't be bothered.
5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? Ugh -- Australia 2002. The boys. The wife. The gear. The passports. The visa fiasco. And I didn't even get to go along.

Song for the Day:
- Blindside
In honor of Thux & Recah seeing them last night. He emailed to say this about the show: "Wow! is all i can far the best band i have seen in the USA since the U2 concert. No fancy light show, small club, and hard core rock. Just an unbelievably legitimate band oozing with talent and energy."


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