Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Congrats to Matty-D and Amy! Though in November, will we have to start calling him "Daddy-D"? Weird.

Out of pure curiosity today, I wondered if anyone has made a hand pointer cursor with the middle finger extended rather than the normal index finger. Yep, they have.

Maverick Times... more music news. In the spotlight is their idea of Great Albums of the 20th Century. Their mention of Songs from the Big Chair and The Stone Roses makes up for their nod to Oasis.

God's Answering Service: Woman irked about getting calls after her mobile number appeared in Bruce Almighty.

Have you seen his sunglasses? Had to throw up a link, because anybody who knows about Homestar, ThinkGeek, and WickedCoolStuff has got to be at least somewhat cool.

Bag and Baggage... a blog link, because "baggage" is such a fun word, don't you agree?

A Really Sweet Conversation: Best Understood by Those Who Know
Natro [a dear friend from home]: i got [bb]'s second album today
Danielle: how do you like it?
N: i actually haven't even opened it yet
D: ooo... do you have [their first album]?
N: no
D: so this is your first [bb] experience?
N: i previewed a bit online and i saw them w/ you and krystal and debbie at the [nb] show
D: that's right... aww, it's like introducing my friends for the first time -- I think you'll get along, but part of me is afraid you won't like each other
N: part of the reason i got them was because they are important to you.

Hail Impales
Hail batters airplane from Cyprus. Wow, really glad I wasn't on that one. A little turbulence is fun... that would suck.


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