Thursday, May 29, 2003

'Cause You People Are Bastard People
Sometimes I feel bad for people who get paid to telephone other people who will probably get mad at them for calling. Due to the nature of my job, I try to be exceptionally courteous to everyone who calls our office... even the telemarketers who don't have a prayer of getting a return call from my boss.

Then there was the insolent jerk from Canon who just called for the meter reading. The whole issue stems from the fact that we have two copiers... one at our office and one at the bossman's home office. The one here, I obviously have no problem getting the meter read for... but I can't very well drive over to his house every time they call in. So we have it set up that they fax some form to that machine, and it's good as gold.

Well, this guy clearly didn't grasp the concept that I was not in the same building as that machine. Nor could he understand why there was no number for him to call that would reach someone where that machine is. He did not want to leave his number, nor did he appreciate my suggestion that he wait on hold for 35 minutes while I go drive over to the machine. He was being completely condescending, and it was irritating me to no end. My patience quickly ran thin.

Now, I am not easily angered. In fact, hardly ever, as anyone who knows me can attest. But I am still a redhead, and I can reach levels of sarcasm that you've never imagined. It wasn't even fair.

I'm going for coffee.


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