Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Miss P pointed out that comedian John Heffron came up with the That Guy! Game which may or may not have served as inspiration for the dude who wrote about how not to be "that guy" as posted yesterday. It looks pretty hilarious. Good bachelorette party game, I'd say.

Believe it or not, there is a corporation called Sick USA. What's better is their merchandise with the corporate logo on it: Sick Stuff. :)

Manda, saw this and thought of you and Jack.

Oh, and this was the best lightning info I could find without looking too hard. I did find it interesting that they say not to stand on the basement floor -- even though tornados are often accompanied by lightning. I think what we can learn from that is that you might want to consider hanging hammocks in the basement bathroom to avoid being on the floor but still be in the lowest, safest room.

Emotion Eric -- request an emotion, and he will take a picture oozing with said emotion. A couple favorites: Intense Playstation Face, Smarmy, Meditative.

Audacious Pranks -- brilliant. this guy puts together "soundboards" with sound bytes from people such as Ozzy, Jack Black, and The Ladies Man. Then he encourages people to use them to make prank calls. Though a bit crass, the third Jack Black prank is hilarious. Here are some more soundboards... with the newly added Mr. T.

I'm evolved - are you?


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