Wednesday, May 28, 2003

According to The Oracle of Starbucks, I am lame. Moving on....

The Pen is Mightier Than the Keyboard
The writings of Albert Einstein can be found online. Of course, knowing German would be helpful.

Shower Power... the game. Disturbing? Decide for yourself.

Read The Jakielo Files, because it is funny. And you know what I always say: what doesn't kill you... makes you laugh.

I'm blogging this.

Wild Kingdom: A Comment and A Question
First of all, I forgot to relay the funny sitcom-esque story from Gatorland. Manda and I were walking through this safari area. All of a sudden she says, "It smells bad here." Seconds later, she asks, "What is that white stuff all over those palm bushes?" It felt like slow-motion while we both looked up to discover at least 20 black vultures in the tree above us. We ran.

And lizards. Salamanders. Whatever they are. There are these little creatures crawling all over everything in Florida. Now supposedly, and I've heard this before, their tails come off if you try to catch them. What I want to know is this: why isn't someone out there selling lizard tails? They sell alligator feet, and I assume that those have to actually be chopped off at some point. But lizard tails... you think they would be an easily accessible and renewable resource. Do people collect lizard tails? Because, I think I would if given the chance. Any insight on this phenomenon would be appreciated.

Song for the Day:
The National Anthem
- Radiohead
"Everyone is so near
What's going on?"


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