Thursday, April 24, 2003

Today's Twenty Questions...
1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you? I make them... so they are equally important.
2. What's your favourite kind of cake? I don't particularly care for cake.
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them? I like to think I'm a little crafty... I'm always making little things that eventually get in the hands of other people.
4. What's your favourite holiday - i.e. Christmas? St. Patricks Day
5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where? Should all go financially as planned, I will take a little trip overseas before the year is out.
6. What was the best party you've ever been to? It would have to be the dance party my roommate and I had before we left Michigan.
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like? I'm not picky... I think just having one would be nice... some day... with no cake.
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you? That's tough. Hmm.. I was kissed unexpectedly in an elevator one time. Not that it was especially romantic... but very movie-esque.
9. What's your favourite romantic song? "With or Without You" - U2
10. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with? dream date?
11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? Milla Jovovich
12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive? Hugh Jackman?
13. If you could be a fictional character from a book who would you choose? Oh, I always wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder.
14. If you could be in a television sit-com, which would you choose? I don't need one... my life is funny enough as it is.
15. Which character would you like to be? me?
16. What's your favourite girl's name? I used to be fond of "Kellen"
17. What's your favourite boy's name? "Jacob", I think
18. What's your supermarket of choice? Why? Kroger... because I have such fond memories of the Ghetto Krog.
19. What is your best character trait? My comedic timing... maybe. :)
20. What is your worst habit? I shouldn't be allowed to have a bank account for my lack of record keeping.


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