Friday, April 18, 2003

People speculate that the Atkins diet not only damages liver and increases cholesterol... but it also decreases gracefulness. That's not funny... I know. My roommate is mourning.

After reading my new May issue of Real Simple, I got a little brainstormy. On page 175, they show an office magically transformed into workable space. One of the neat things about it were these round disks on the wall... which turned out to be "magnet boards". In reality, they should just be called "metal disks", because that is all they really are. So the wheels started turning, and I thought, "Hey, I have those oven burner covers that I never used for that wedding gift... metal.. round.. aha!"

Those designer magnet boards run $15.00 a piece. Oven burner covers? Well, here you can get them in various colors and patterns for around $6... for four. Or you can get four Coca-cola ones here for $25.

So I hung my stainless steel covers on the wall above my desk in a one-large/two-small/one-large formation. (Something like this: ∙:∙ ) Now I have my little notes and pictures hanging up ... using my handy dandy marble magnets that I made, of course. :)


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