Thursday, May 01, 2003

Back off, Homeboy
I don't answer my cellphone unless I know who is calling. (Although I don't always answer when I know who is calling either. I hate talking on the phone.) At the same time, I do not have a long drawn out message when you get my voicemail -- I think it is something to the effect of "Please leave a message."

A few weeks ago I started getting calls and therefore messages from some guy who apparently had been given the wrong number. Messages along the lines of "hey baby, won't you call me back?" and "I don't understand what is going on. Call me." I suspect that someone deliberately gave out the wrong number and happened to make up mine.

I have answered on a couple of occassions and told him that he does, in fact, have the wrong number and that I do not even know the person he is trying to reach.

You would think that someone with the smallest iota of intelligence would then quit calling this number. But no. Twice on Saturday. Once again on Sunday. Finally last night I answered:
Me: This is Danielle.
Homeboy: Oh, I have the wrong number.
Me: I know. And you keep calling it.
HB: I'm sorry. They gave me this number with the wrong area code.
Me: I see.
HB: Thank you. *click*

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Either that or I'm going to get ticked off one of these days and list his phone number everywhere to see how he likes getting calls from random people.

Law Meme -- for geeky people who work in law offices, like me.

Memento -- "Memento is a lightweight knowledge management system based on the principles of memetics, the theory of memes. Use it to store what you've learnt, and publish what you know - just like a weblog." I'm sure that someone could find a practical purpose for this, but I don't see what it could do for me at the moment.

John Malkovich was on Letterman last night to promote his directorial debut The Dancer Upstairs. He was so adorable. I think that man is amazing... albeit slighty disturbing at times. He called Dave "Sir". :)

Today's Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level

I love that! Found at I Can't Even Float in Water This Deep.


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