Thursday, March 20, 2003

Where were you when...

Tina, Andi and I were watching Star Search.

Starting a war is a big deal. And I remember when we found out that we were at war the last time... (Junior high -- Mr. Jensen's history class.) But I'm having this weird feeling tonight. It's like I'm conscious that this is going to be an evening I will remember. All those other times... with the spaceshuttles and the towers and other tragedies... I think I was too shocked to be aware of how monumental the moment was. I think we all pretty much saw this one coming though... so there is an awareness I do not think I had before this instance.

We watched Star Search.
I got online and responded to Phil's email.
They played Scrabble.
We watched FoxNews.

And that is what we did when America went to war with Iraq.


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