Saturday, March 22, 2003

I like Martin over at The Copydesk. He talks more about sports than politics... but this is good. -- "Iraq simply don't stand a chance, and whatever your thoughts on the tragedy which is about to be unleashed on the Iraqi people, there is absolutely no doubt that Saddam Hussein is a grade 1 headcase."

In the Email
So I was concerned about the upcoming trip to N'awlins, just a little bit.

Manda writes: "you're going to have fun on your trip and you know it. You can have fun anywhere."

I wrote: "That's right. I can have fun anywhere. I'm a fun person. I make the fun happen."

Manda writes: "if you were a superhero, you'd be Fun-der Woman. if you were a president, you'd be Thomas Jeffer-fun."

And that is some of the funniest stuff that has ever come from her!


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