Friday, March 28, 2003

"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect."
    Steven Wright

It's a bird... it's a plane... "Experts say a reported UFO sighting in Norway was probably an electrocuted cat." (via Stuff I've Heard)

A man after my own heart... I'll remain cellphone free, with glee. (Granted, I do now have a mobile, but my boss made me get it and pays for it, and I don't answer it when I'm with other people or when I just plain don't feel like it.) -- Christopher heads to the middle east.

I thought this was awesome: Barrage of e-mail helps Marine bride. It's a great article... but basically, the groom-to-be got orders to ship out to Kuwait in January, so they hurriedly got married before he left... (they were planning to be married in May). The bride asked for the deposit for their reception back, because the groom would not be back by May. The hotel where the reception was to be held initially refused... but after a backlash from Marines and others, they have changed their policy.

War Boosts MSNBC Viewership 503%! They're probably wishing the war started during sweeps.


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