Sunday, March 23, 2003

A Couple Thoughts
∙ I forget which channel I was watching, but it brought tears to my eyes. There were little kids filming messages to the soliders. And they showed one solider sending a message to his mom -- I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was to the effect of "I can't promise I'm coming back, but I'm going to do a good job."

∙ I have been amazed by the pictures of all the Iraqi troops surrendering. I think it displays a huge amount of humility and trust. I cannot imagine being in their position. Not knowing what my captors could do to me... not knowing what my own government might do to my family... and then there is the question -- "What do we do with all these people?"

A Walk in the Woods... this is one of those psychological tests where what you pick to tell the story determines certain things about your inner psyche. I guess they call it a "Fantasy Abstraction Profile". I learned that my problems are medium-sized... my ambition could be bigger... I'm creative... I have two true loves... I'm proactive... and well... I picked a pond. Haha.

Hung out with Jay and his cool friends at Opryland Hotel last night where they were staying. Good times.

You can vote for Mark again today.


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