Saturday, February 08, 2003

Woohoo! I got a Break the Chain Award for my email response to my friend who forwarded me one of those beta-tracking spam emails.

My thoughts on Michael
Okay... let me preempt all this by saying that I realize that Michael Jackson is a little bit different. I'm not walking around here saying that everything he does falls under the "Normal" category. I just look at him and watched the special last night with the understanding that he is a little off. Not unlike how people look at elderly people or mentally handicapped people. Sure, grandma says crazy things, but everyone just looks at each other and nods knowingly... because that is just how grandma is. So it is with my Michael.

There were mixed reactions to the program. (i.e. "genuinely shocking", "Bashir got as close to Jackson as any adult ever will", "riveting"...) I, personally, thought it was pulled off much better than I had anticipated. I expected Bashir to be more ruthless and cold, but I felt like he was very considerate though pressing. I did not think it was scandelous or anything. Granted, we are all having a hard time believing the whole "only two nosejobs" claim.

The best was watching him lead the little kids around Neverland with his parasol in hand... very Willy-Wanka-like.

Jack and I discussed each segment during commercial breaks via phone. He agreed that it was a good show.

Crosswalks... why bother?
Here's my gripe for today: As you can clearly see here, Tennessee law dictates that drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing the road at a crosswalk without a stoplight. And as you can see here, failure to yield right-of-way is a 4-point traffic violation. So why is it that I was left standing in a crosswalk today shivering to death while twelve... count them, twelve... cars went barreling past?


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