Saturday, March 01, 2003

We Got Ta-Cos!
Oh my goodness. You want to talk about a great hockey game? Last night Preds vs. Penguins. That was a good hockey game. We debated going for so long that we missed 15 minutes of the first period, but that's okay. It was still great fun. (Even though we were sitting in front of Play-by-Play on the Cellphone Guy and some chick who is probably still trying to figure out why we all left before the "4th quarter".) I think Lemieux forgot to show up... because he didn't do anything. (Of course, he was out the third period... but still.) So yeah, we won 6-0... and after 5 goals, our ticket stubs were worth a free taco at Taco Bell.

Song for the Day:
Last Goodbye
- Jeff Buckley
~This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face~


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