Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Read Pauley's words on club safety. As a fireman's daughter and granddaughter, I wonder if that makes us more consciencious of our surroundings and the potential danger... but she raises some excellent points. Don't rely on others to take care of you -- make sure that you are aware of your surroundings.

A friend from the UK called tonight. (...with a new name for me... Rose Red.) He always has something interesting going on, and I'm never short of entertained by his calls. The potential war was brought up, and it was interesting to hear a first-hand opinion from that side of the world. And he left me wondering... yes, just where do all those anti-American middle easterners get their American flags? Is there a shop there whose specialty is making highly flammable American flags?

I am such a sucker for beautiful wedding photography. Can I have this picture if/when I get married, please?

Planning at St. Patrick's Day party? Send online invitations with theplunge.com -- organize the details for any event you have coming up. In this day and age, virutal invites are often the way to go... and this is cuter than a boring old email.


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