Wednesday, February 12, 2003

I just ran across this, and it is weird for a number of reasons... but partially because this picture was on the fridge at the beanbag house for as long as I can remember:
A Gaggle of Mullets

Stratcom is tracking the man-made debris that is currently orbiting Earth. It is believed there are more that 8,500 objects baseball-sized or larger. Which then leads one to wonder how many smaller object are out there, considering that a fleck of paint left a gouge in a space shuttle window. -- well, it's.... different. Claims to be the world's first prompt-based website. (I wonder when that was posted though, because people who took my advice and visited Massive Attack's site yesterday might be prone to differ.)

Song for the Day:
Send Me an Angel
- Real Life
~Empty dreams can only dissapoint
in a room behind your smile
but don't give up, don't give up
you can be lucky in love~


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