Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Happy Birthday, Dad! I wish I could be at home, but I'm loving you lots from 800 miles away.

Ain't nothing but a snow thang...
Mmm... we had a wonderful warm s*n*o*w yesterday.

Warm snow = being able to wear short sleeves while changing the lightbulb of your outdoor light even though it's snowing in the afternoon.

Warm snow = really good packing snow, perfect for snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, etc.

At about 7:00, Tina came through to look out the window saying she wondered what the snow was like. So we went out on the porch, and sure enough, it was perfect snow. So we got all bundled up in layers and went outside. (She recently came upon a stash of "Strangely Normal" beanies which Phil gave her, so we had matching hats.)

First order of business was building a mini-snowman on our railing to guard the house while we were away.

Then we ran across the street. Thux and Recah were just coming home, so we waited for them to go in their apartment. Then we put a mini-snowman right in front of their door. (They live on the second floor.) We then proceeded to throw snowballs at their windows. We saw shadows go past the windows, but the next thing we knew, they had come around the other side of the apartment and started throwing snow at us. It was a full-fledged snowball war for a bit, which was amazing. Thux had never had a snowball fight before, so my work here is done. Recah made her first snow angel. We threw snowballs at their other apartment, and Chris mooned us. Costa and Nick had made a snowman earlier... it was more like a snow demon though; we're not quite sure if those were meant to be horns or not.

Then Tina and I came back to our backyard. We were going to make a giant snowman, but I got out the ice-cream buckets instead. She had never made a snow fort with bucket bricks before, so we made a snow castle instead. (The flash wasn't working so much, but you get the idea from this picture.)

It's a bit hard to tell, but it really is quite complex with turrets and everything. We want to add flags to the four corners as well. Good times. Unfortunately, this morning the snow is melting, and all our labors were for naught. Oh well.

I was checking out the best places to get pizza in major cities around the u.s. Now we all know I'm not a big pizza fan, but I had forgotten all about Bazbeaux's in Indy. Now that was good pizza... with some of the most unique toppings ever (they have 52 to be exact). I used to order that for staff meetings.

Tash isn't bitter about Valentine's day... not one bit.

Song for the Day:
Theme from Ice Castles (of course) - Pheonix Big Band
~Please, don't let this feeling end
It's everything I am
Everything I want to be~


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