Thursday, January 30, 2003

This week the world was exposed to Zwan, a.k.a. Billy Corgan in a new band. Recently we found Dave Grohl banging around with Queens of the Stone Age. And then there's the whole Audioslave thing with Chris Cornell. I bet if Layne Staley were still alive, he would be recruiting a new band right about now.

It's 2:30 am. Went to Michael's to watch Radiohead's Meeting People Is Easy rockumentary. (I just wanted to be able to use "rockumentary" in a post. Very "spinal tap".) I thought it was pretty incredible. I loved the concept. I learned that big band or small band, the same personalities seem to exist in every band. Brilliant though he may be, I do not think I would have the energy to put up with Thom Yorke. As Michael said, "I would hate to be the guy whose job it is to make one of the most famous people convinced that he is not famous... just perfectly normal."

Okay, one little slap on the wrist for my messageboard kids, and I'm off to bed.


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