Saturday, December 28, 2002

I, the anti-shopper, went shopping in Omaha with my mom today. We had a good time. I found lots of books which were amazing bargains due to a going-out-of-business sale. Yay. I also bought a chair with some of my birthday money. A chair. Yes. It was the best encounter my behind has had with a piece of furniture in a long time. I am excited.

Be sure to check out the new New Year's song video "Thank God It's Over" by Jim's Big Ego. They are so great and so funny... and so you should send that to all of your friends for New Years.

And then in the Also Funny But Much More Disturbing department, be sure to check out the Carol of the Bells as done by a Burger King Employee. Scary. Who comes up with this stuff again? (That one was courtesy of Ern.)


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