Saturday, November 23, 2002

DIRK: The Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things - I'm not exactly sure why this site would be useful, but you sure can waste some time there. You just put in a "thing", and it spits out other "things" that it is connected to. For example, if you put in Star Wars, you find that it is related to (among others): "movies" (it is a very good one), "indiana jones" (harrison ford played both Han Solo, from Star Wars, and Indiana Jones), "clerks" (there was discussion of Star Wars in the movie Clerks), "may" (Star Wars Day is in May, "May the 4th be with you"), and "the Bush family" (the entire Bush family is controlled by The Empire).

Mental Note:
The Shepperd Website - for future reference, this site may come in handy. Sound, venues, effects, crew, everything music production related anyone could need. "The Shepperd Web site is a free service that offers information about the technical production industry."


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