Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Profound thought for the day:
"Why does a toaster need eight settings, when anything above four turns a slice of bread into a piece of charcoal?" ~Mr. T.
(I think it might be for testing the batteries in your smoke alarms.)

Today I am laughing. Why am I laughing? I watched this little video. "Start a riot in a closed restaurant." "Pretend there's no such thing as glass." But the really hilarious part is the end where Rumsey is asking all the questions... what's your favourite color, how do you get your hair to stick up like that, do you have a phone number or email address? (Tash, inspired by any superfans you know and love? haha!)

Yesterday I watched the National Geographic special on Big Cats in America about the owners (and sometimes neglectors) of wild cats. I seriously wanted to own a tiger for the longest time. I realize that their instinct is to hunt and kill... but they are such absolutely beautiful creatures. I got to hold a baby lion cub once, and it was so sweet. I love him.

This website wins the adorable award for the day. Read the autobiography. hehe.

Lisa is a mini-golfing force to be reckoned with. We played Saturday night. Hans and I were playing with the same theory as most other games... the more points the better. Lisa, however, ended up with only 8 over par. Mick didn't do too bad with 15 over. I was 17, I think... and Hans had 23. Good times. Few bugbites.

Just talked to Thux about their show this weekend. They apparently played at Dollywood. I asked how it went. He said he now has a better understanding of two American words: redneck and mullet. Ahh yes... gotta love living in the south.


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