Thursday, August 29, 2002

"Printing" in 3D. This is like primitive Star Trek technology. Next thing you know they will be voice-activated and will create anything we ask for.

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I just got confirmation that I get to meet Béla Fleck today! He's recording with Mike this afternoon, and I have been trying to come up with an excuse to go out to the studio. Suddenly it dawns on me.... as webmaster, it would be irresponsible of me not to get photos of this monumental event for the site... and the bossman agreed that it was a good idea. hehe.

Caught one of my favourite parts of Robin Hood: Men in Tights last night. "I'm on the east side... I'm on the west side... it's not that difficult."

Warm Fuzzy Moment for the Week:
Last night I had to run some things over to Tedd's place. We were talking about my job, and he asked what I thought I wanted to "be". I said that I wasn't sure, but that I don't want to be someone's assistant my entire life. To which he responded, "Well, you do a really good job." Little things, people. Sometimes it's the littlest things that can lift another's spirits.

My parents are coming to town. My parents are coming to town. Hi-ho-the-dairy-oh. My parents are coming to town... on Friday!


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