Saturday, March 16, 2002

1. What's your favorite animal? I absolutely love baby tigers... any baby big cats, really.
2. What pets have you had in your lifetime? As a kid, we never had any in the house. We had an alleycat named Tiger. Over the course of time we had three cats at my dad's office... Mr. Black, BJ (Black Junior), and now Cracker. I've had a few beta fish in the last few years... Sushi, Dante, and Vincente. It's time for new fish. Beth wants one big tropical one, but I don't know really how to care for saltwater fish... and I'd hate to mess up my aquarium. Oh yeah, we have a dog now... Laynie, she's really old though.
3. Is there any specific pet that you've wanted but never had? Why? No, not really. Squirrels don't really make good pets, I guess, huh?
4. Are you allergic to any animals? Not to speak of.
5. Do you have any 'pet' pet peeves (your pets or others')? Not about the animals so much as the owners. I really hate it when animal people assume that all people are animal people. My dearest friends Jack & Manda are the perfect example. Yes, I love their dog... but that does not mean that I don't completely gross out when I find dog hair absolutely everywhere.


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