Monday, November 03, 2008

Nature Kids Strike Again
I've been feeling more and more outdoorsy, which is pretty out of character for me. But after having my parents here, I've been feeling a bit more adventurous and curious about the world around me. Spring always helps too, with all the new life abounding.

Saturday night we were sitting at the table, and we heard a kind of squalking noise coming from outside. Concerned that it might be Frida, we went out to check. It clearly wasn't coming from the chicken coop, but it took us a while to locate the noise coming from a hollow in the macadamia tree outside our door.

We got out the flashlight and brought out a chair to stand on. Eventually out popped the head of the cutest little green treefrog. He was covered with ants though, but he went back down in the hole before we could help him out. So we poured water down in hopes that he just needed a rinse.

Then on Sunday morning, we went outside to find two fuzzy baby tawny frogmouths in a tree. They are so, SO cute. I really wanted to get a photo from the front, but he wouldn't turn for me. When they are little, their entire faces are eyeballs. So adorable.

Tawny Baby

Oh! I just found someone else's photos of a baby tawny too. This is a great one from the front. I just want to hug him and squish him and call him George. And this one reminds me of Fizgig.


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