Thursday, July 27, 2006

El Maco Attacko
Just wanted to check to see if "The Legendary El Maco" burger at McDonald's here is an American export. It certainly cannot be. Because as with all Australian attempts at Mexican food, it is pretty much crap.

It's two patties of 100% Australian beef topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and taco sauce. A taco on a bun, if you will. However, they never seem to put any spice in their taco seasonings, so it was kind of not worth even trying. Oh well.

Two Months and Counting
It's our anniversary. Two months. Woot. I'm not one to really get all girlie about that kind of thing, and I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't seen the reminder in his phone. But weird. We're married.

Winter Wonderland
This morning Hans got up and then came back in the bedroom to tell me that it was all foggy and white outside. It was so cool, because it'll be the closest thing to looking like REAL winter that I'll get this year. It also made a cute little spiderweb stand out on the walk to the train.

Hmm... that's about it.


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