Friday, July 08, 2005

Congrats to Jay & Brandy!! Your little girl is so sweet! :)

Tom Cruise is Nuts . com Down yestserday. Back up today.

For Your Shopping Pleasure
I cannot say enough how much I'm going to miss downtown Franklin. I've been missing it for a while, actually. Gone are the days of spending my lunch hour ducking into shops and picking up a bite at Merridees or Pucketts or the Merc.

One of my favourite shops was The Cottage Co. right on Main. I'd stop almost once a week to see what was new. They knew I probably wasn't going to buy anything, but the ladies there would always chit-chat about the weather or a new product. I was delighted to find their website online... and particularly these striped pillows. I've been looking at them for months... hoping the price would go down. Granted, I don't really have a place for it, especially now. But maybe someday....

Permission to Do Nothing
I've been given permission to stay in my pajamas all day. *sweet sigh* But I do have to do my client's site while someone is willing to pay me. I guess I should do that before the wind blows the wrong way and Comcast goes down again. Anybody else having huge connection issues this week?


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