Saturday, December 18, 2004

Connie called me at work today to see if I was alive. Seems I've had my phone shut off since I got back from Florida. I could say that was inadvertant... but honestly, I've known it has been off, and I'm perfectly happy with that. Freeeeeeeedom! I guess I should check my messages some day to see who else thinks I died.

A Sufjan Christmas
Do yourself a favor and get the Sufjan Stevens Christmas music. (found via catapult) He apparently has put together little Christmas cds for friends and family the last few years, not unlike the one Jay supposedly did that I never heard. *ahem* So anyway, Sufjan's is available for download, and it has made me incredibly happy for the last day and a half. If nothing else, may I highly recommend "Come Thou Fount" on Volume II and "That Was the Worst Christmas Ever" on Volume III.

Birthday Countdown: T-minus 8 Days
You know, for those who care. ;)


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