Thursday, December 09, 2004

Reasons to Love the South
#482 Running around in short-sleeves on December freaking 8th.
#483 Black eyed pea soup

USB out the Wazoo
Does anyone else remember the days when you felt cool if you had a USB port? Now they are simply everywhere. 2 on my laptop. 2 on the docking station. 4 on my monitor. I even have 2 on my keyboard. My goal is to fill them all. All ports must be filled with... wait. Anyway, I'll start with the USB Aquarium, the USB beverage warmer, the USB glowing snowman, the USB christmas tree, the USB mini fan, the USB Santa drummer, the USB Ionizer, the USB Aroma Pot, and the USB Massage Ball (uhh..).

Who Has Counter Space for This?
What kind of lazy do you have to be in order to need one of those electric jar openers?


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