Thursday, December 16, 2004

Happy Birthday to My Couch and to Manda's!


I do web maintenance for a few clients. One in particular, requires some database management as well for their weekly email blasts. This means that I see the email addresses for quite a few people.

Now, I know how hard it is to come up with an email address these days. Almost everything is taken. That's why my hotmail address involves one of my favourite pet fish instead of having anything to do with my first or last name.

But today I came across an email address that was "twotrying2b3", and it just grossed me out to no end. I understand that infertility is no laughing matter, but goodness... please spare me that little nugget of your private life.

Erin's Random Tuesday Question... a Day Late
RTQ #16: What is your favorite junk food and why?

Tough one, but I'm going to go with... ugh, I don't know. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm a chips'n'salsa girl, but other times nothing hits the spot like an OCP.


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